
Activity 3.6 Provide nutrition counseling training to the health providers

6 April 2021

On the 16th and the 17th of March 2021, the Romanian project team organized two training sessions on Nutritional counseling and education for the health providers and family physicians from Suceava. The activity was organized within the project „Personalized prevention tools in obesity and diabetes – a joint Romanian-Ukrainian programme of health education (PrePOD)”, nr. ENI CBC 2SOFT/4.1/56, implemented by the University “Ștefan cel Mare” from Suceava, Romania, in partnership with the Precarpathian National University “Vasyl Stefanyk” from Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine.

              The training sessions were organized:

–       on the 16th of March– on-site, in building A, amphitheater Aula Magna, for family health providers and on-line for those who couldn’t attend the training, starting from 4 P.M.

– on the 17th of March – on-line, starting from 4 P.M on ZOOM, link, Zoom Meeting ID- 364 674 2966

At the training session from the 16th of March took part 30 health providers (family physicians/ nurses) and 43 students and partners from Ukraine who activate in the Health domain. The family health providers took part on-site in the event, while the students and partners participated on-line.

The agenda of the event was:

  1. Prevention in type 2 diabetes (primary, secondary and tertiary). Screening and diagnosis in type 2 diabetes; Cardiovascular risk assessment and complications – seminar held by Prof. univ. dr. Mariana Graur from UMF Iasi
  2. Therapeutic objectives. Lifestyle optimization recommendations in type 2 diabetes– seminar held by Conf. univ. dr. Lidia Arhire from UMF Iasi
  3. Physical effort in the prevention and therapy of type 2 diabetes– seminar held by Prof. univ.  dr. Mihai Covașă from University “Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava

At the training session from the 17th of March took part on-line 56 family physicians, students and partners from Ukraine who activate in the Health domain.

The agenda of the event was:

  1. Communication and counseling methods for patients with type 2 diabetes– seminar held by Lecturer dr. Oana Coșman from University “Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava

  2. Nutritional principles and recommendations in diabetes – seminar held by Asist. univ. drd. Șoimaru Raluca from University “Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava

  3. Prevention and approach in primary medicine of obese people – seminar held by Conf. univ. dr. Lidia Arhire from UMF Iasi

  4. News in contemporary nutrition – seminar held by Prof.  univ.  dr. Mihai Covașă from University “Ștefan cel Mare”, Suceava

The themes presented within the training sessions included: principles of nutritional counseling, the doctor-patient relationship,  recommendations for optimizing a healthy lifestyle and methods to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes, and the main objective of the activity was to support the evaluation of current medical practices of family physicians and to train family health providers in the adoption of preventive approaches and effective nutritional counseling for obese and diabetic patients.

Last modified: 6 April 2021

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